

大都会建设钻石谷湖是对未来的承诺. 巨大的水库, 坐落在两座山坡之间, 在我们如何管理和提供饮用水方面发挥着至关重要的作用. By storing up to six months together with all of our storage accounts of emergency supplies, 水库是关键的生命线, 帮助南加州度过干旱期和灾难. It also provides important habitat for plants 和 animals 和 popular recreational amenities for the community.

钻石谷湖是一个不可或缺的资产, 这反映了大都会对供水可靠性的承诺, 环境管理, 以及南加州的气候弹性未来.


钻石谷湖的故事是一个深思熟虑的计划和远见. Its construction during the late 1990s marked a bold 和 historic achievement for Metropolitan. 从那时起, the reservoir has been instrumental in carrying us through challenging water scenarios, 包括几次多年干旱. 这座水库的建造是为了容纳足够的水,供近2万人使用.400万南加州家庭的一年. 最多可存储810个,000英亩英尺的水(2640亿加仑), nearly doubling the region’s prior surface water storage capacity when it became operational.  

A 关闭-up view of a gecko species with blue scales on its neck that's found near 钻石谷湖


The reservoir is home to natural habitat areas that protect wildlife 和 ecosystems. Two large nature reserves nearby provide a model for how infrastructure can be built in harmony with nature. The reservoir’s development marked a significant precedent for public/private partnerships 和 raised environmental protection to a new level by focusing on entire ecosystems rather than individual habitats.
阅读更多 都市多物种栖息地保护与保护计划. 


  • 大约14,000 acres of open space have been preserved within the 西南河滨县多物种保护区 surrounding 和 connecting 钻石谷湖 with 湖 Skinner. 
  • 随着保护区的建立, Metropolitan helped forge California's first agreement for multi-species protection.  
  • 该保护区是至少八种栖息地和许多敏感鸟类的家园, 动植物种类.  
  • 该保护区有30多英里的自行车道、远足道和马术道.  


  • The 圣罗莎高原生态保护区 contains some of Southern California's last vernal pools that support fairy shrimp, 冬天的水鸟和春天的野花.  
  • 大都会加入了河滨县, the California Wildlife 保护 Board 和 the Nature Conservancy to purchase 和 protect 6,800英亩.  
  • The effort helped preserve valuable l和s while also securing approvals to develop 钻石谷湖 to help forge a dependable water supply for Southern California. 
  • 保护区有一个多用途的步道网络, 一个综合性的解说项目, 还有一个游客中心. 点击这里 了解更多信息. 

娱乐的机会 & 挑战

钻石谷湖 provides high-quality recreational opportunities that allow for the continued protection of our drinking water supply 和 function in harmony with the natural environment. 这里有许多娱乐活动,包括划船, 钓鱼, 划独木舟, 皮划艇和帆船, 以及相邻的多用途步道, 自行车道, 以及公共公园设施. 设施包括.5英里的海岸线钓鱼区,码头和特许区,还有公园设施. 

检查 在这里 有关码头和娱乐的更多一般信息.  


游客 信息


位于湖的东端, 码头和特许区提供船只租赁和钓鱼用品. 检查 在这里 了解更多信息. 点击 在这里 工时和费用.


与水库相邻的是一个 水上中心 和 社区公园 由 全谷娱乐和公园区. 设有游泳、运动场、健身小径和野餐区.


全景可以在克莱顿A找到. 记录,小. 的观点.  观景台免费入场,开放时间为上午8:30.m. 到下午4点.m. 周四到周日. 复活节、独立日、感恩节、圣诞节和元旦都不开放. 《188bet体育平台下载》向Clayton A致敬. 记录,小., 他是圣哈辛托的第四代居民,是个奶农, 成功的商人,杰出的民选官员和社区领袖, who helped develop regional water policy as Eastern Municipal Water District’s representative on Metropolitan’s board, 他还担任过副董事长. 

克莱顿唱片公司(Clayton Record)在钻石谷湖(钻石谷湖)岸边的牌匾

周围的山 & 小径

钻石谷湖的小径提供了通往非凡景观的通道, 的观点, 和大自然的季节性礼物. 徒步旅行者, 骑自行车和骑马的人可以享受远足的大量步道系统, 骑自行车和骑马穿过水库周围的山丘.



  • 5.9-mile, multi-use trail runs along the north hills overlooking the San Jacinto Valley
  • 全年对徒步旅行者和马术爱好者开放
  • 看到 map 东路和西路入口


  • 21.8英里的环湖路线适合徒步旅行者和骑自行车的人
  • 经过三座水坝, 可以看到水库和采石场,用于建造水坝的岩石就是在那里开采的
  • 全年开放
  • 码头入口,垂钓者大道2615号.加州赫梅特市. 看到 map


  • 1.从湖景小径延伸出来的三英里环路. 只在春天野花盛开的季节开放. 参见花卉指南和地图.
  • 码头入口,垂钓者大道2615号.加州赫梅特市
  • 需要支付停车费和步道费  


DVL的Don Owen West大坝的建设, Carl Boronkay East dam 和 Saddle dams represented one of the largest earthwork projects in the nation. It took place between 1995 和 2000 和 involved a foundation excavation of more than 40 million cubic yards of earth 和 110 million cubic yards for embankment construction. A literal mountain of rock was moved from the south rim of the reservoir 和 placed across the valley floor to form two dams, 一个2.一英里长,另一英里长.5英里长,在4号河的两端.5英里谷. Materials for the earth-core rock fill dams were all sourced within the project boundary. 为这个项目设立了两个岩石加工厂, their production exceeded the capability of any single commercial processing operation in California. 使用的施工设备 铲子,装载机和卡车 were the largest available in the industry 和 set a new st和ard for earth 和 rock movement.


使 & 保护历史

Development of DVL was grounded in our commitment to serving customers 和 protecting the environment. 一路上有了一些了不起的历史发现. 整整七年, two-person paleontology teams worked at opposite ends of the valley for 10-hour shifts, 20小时天, 一周188bet棋牌平台六天, 跟着大型挖土设备. 他们会发现, 许多专家认为, 这里的化石可以与著名的拉布雷亚沥青坑相媲美.  这个地区被称为“乳齿象谷”.“其中一个更著名的发现是乳齿象马克斯. 这一发现已经过去了20多年, it was determined that Max was the first new mastodon species named in more than 50 years from North America (Mammut pacificus, 太平洋乳齿象). 在开挖, 已经灭绝的乳齿象和猛犸象的骨头和骨骼也被发现, 骆驼, 懒惰, 恐狼和长角野牛. 


